Sometimes life gives us unfortunate childhoods that mold us into adulthood. Many of the circumstances I dealt with in my childhood made me stronger but the one tape that has been imbedded in my mind was my step father’s negative and abusive words about me and my body. I had a very distorted view of myself and I allowed my mind to play that tape every waking moment all of my life about how fat and ugly I am. I have always struggled with my weight so have tried every diet pill and quick fix. I thought that not eating all day and just eating at night was good for you, what a rollercoaster of many, many years I had my body and mind on. Each year that I had a Birthday I would look at my body and see gravity taking its course and toll, In my mind I would think there is going to be a quick fix the doctors are working on that will make me look 16 again, I mean really medicine has come so far……right?
When Gena started Fit Mania and told me about it, I thought Oh great ANOTHER gimmick in the fitness world one that I would fail at (that tape playing in my head). I could never do it, I am NOT a morning person, I despise gyms, I don’t have time with a full time job, I raise 3 grandchildren, I am not flexible, and on and on. I had all the excuses. As the days went by I saw an amazing total mind and body change in this amazing woman. Then her daughter started going and I would hear her say she loved it. I watched the commitment they both had and I thought there must be something to this grueling. army sergeant (love our trainers), middle of the night workout class I must try it. Much to my surprise the first day (6am class) I went I was hooked. I walked into the class and did not know a soul. I was welcomed with open arms and the great thing is with my busy life I did not have to think about anything I just played follow the leader! I left feeling a part of a great group that wanted the same thing I did and that was a healthy lifestyle using food and exercise. That next week the 90 day challenge was announced and I did not think twice I signed up. Each day I felt better physically and mentally. The amazing classes taught me how to fuel my body and mind with the right food feeling better and stronger than I ever have. I am proud of what I have accomplished. When I exercise and watch what I put in my mouth I feel more energized, the increased levels of serotonin makes me feel better about myself and I am looking forward to the next challenge and watching this body change even more. That tape is starting to fray and I see it breaking really soon!!!!!!
Question #2 is an easy one. Fit Mania has given me the tools to help make a difference in the lives of my 3 beautiful grandchildren. I did not grow up knowing how important exercise and right foods are so now I can change the cycle in our family and give them the tools to grow up strong and healthy. My day is not complete until I hear the words “grandma show me what you did at exercise today!”
I want to Thank Gena, our amazing 6AM trainers and the wonderful friends I have made in this new season of my life!!!!!!