I feel my success lies in the 16.5 inches I lost
The reason I decided to participate in Challenge 9 was to push myself harder so I would obtain and see the results I wanted to. I have done a few challenges in the past and the progress was there but not as much as I had hoped. Past challenges I had wanted the immediate fix and there is no such thing. Like Bryon (my husband) told me I didn’t get to where I was overnight and I wouldn’t get fit overnight either. Other reasons I chose to participate were looking fit, being strong and to be as healthy as possible as I age. Being in health care I see all too often people my age or even younger who are limited in their abilities due to poor physical condition. I don’t want that to be me.
I feel my success lies in the 16.5 inches I lost. At the half way mark I told Kasey. I wanted to lose more in my belly. She challenged me to plank for 3 minutes daily and 10 minutes once a week. At the time I didn’t know whether to thank her or curse her. Now I can thank her because I lost 7 inches total in my belly. Bryon and I plan to continue the daily 3 minute plank and to increase it to a 4 minute plank with the next challenge. Another success was I consumed a wider variety of protein. I believe I have eaten more steak in the past 3 months than I have in 3 years.