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significant change
in your life?
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About FitMania

At FitMania, our workouts are designed to take advantage of how your body moves naturally and use that to build your health and strength.

We work out barefoot, because over-supportive workout shoes can impair balance and inhibit muscle function.

We believe in breaking “personal records” because your fitness is your journey, not someone else’s. Your progress is what’s important, not how you compare to others.

We embrace High-Intensity Interval Resistance Training. We work out hard and fast, because one intense 45-minute workout boosts your metabolism for 36 hours making your body a fuel burning machine.

Because we do the workout in intervals, anyone can do it.

We do not count calories. It is not how much you eat but WHAT you eat and WHEN you eat it.

We eat real, whole foods. Nutrient dense foods that your body recognizes as food.

We love it when you lose weight, but we love it even more when you are empowered by how much stronger you are.

We believe in the power of knowledge. Society makes losing weight complicated. We share the simple principles and strategies that will help you reach your fitness goals.

We don’t live to work out, we work out to live.

UNLIMITED means UNLIMITED. We want you to have options. Come to any class at any of our locations, any time.

Meet your trainers
Meet Sherry
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Kacey
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Sarah
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Toby
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Chad
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Jessica
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Susan
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Meghan
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Ken
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Jabari
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Chris
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Jen
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Kris
Boot Camp Instructor
Meet Christen
Boot Camp Instructor
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of unlimited barefoot boot camps!