After this 90 day challenge, I feel more energetic. I am sleeping and eating better. I know that after I work out, I am a better person and am able to deal with life’s stresses in a more positive way.
When debating on whether or not to enter this most recent Fit Life Challenge, I talked with trainer Kacey about my hesitations.
“I don’t want to feel like a failure if I don’t have any progress throughout the challenge.”
“I don’t want to do the before and after pictures and not be able to tell a difference.”
Kacey reminded me that I have had success with the 90 day challenges in the past, and that I know what it takes to push myself and make positive life changes.
Reflecting on this now, I know that Kacey is right and I thrive on challenging myself to break through greater and greater limits.
And more importantly, I realize that I only would have failed if I would not have entered the challenge. Losing weight and inches are really just secondary.
I would like to think I don’t need a 90 day challenge to keep myself motivated and on track with my fitness, and that I can do what I need to daily on my own. But in reality, I need the motivation and self-check system that the 90 day challenge offers. I have consistently worked out at Fit Mania for at least three years, but with the challenge, I can really hone in on the “little things” that in reality add up to much bigger things.
After this 90 day challenge, I feel more energetic. I am sleeping and eating better. I know that after I work out, I am a better person and am able to deal with life’s stresses in a more positive way. I feel a great sense of accomplishment each time I walk out of Fit Mania, with another workout under my belt.
I have a lot of great new recipes that my family loves, and these were given to us at the beginning of the challenge. I plan ahead for all of my meals, which has been by far my biggest success with this challenge. I have learned that for me, the workouts are the easy part. I enjoy going to work out with all the great, positive people at Fit Mania. The workouts make me feel so good that I don’t want to miss one.
