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My clothes fit better. I have more energy. I’m a more patient and fun mom. I’m proud of the choices I’m making. My skin is softer. I eat healthier. I have SO MUCH MORE ENERGY. Literally everything in my life is better when I live a Fit lifestyle.


Everything is better. When we had to choose a word or phrase for our power strip in class, that was mine. When I’m killing myself in class and ready to flop down on the ground, I remember that ‘Everything is Better’ if I keep going. My clothes fit better. I have more energy. I’m a more patient and fun mom. I’m proud of the choices I’m making. My skin is softer. I eat healthier. I have SO MUCH MORE ENERGY. Literally everything in my life is better when I live a Fit lifestyle.

The longer I live this way, the easier and more natural it becomes. I’m quicker to reach for veggies than chips. It’s easier to not order soda when we go out to dinner. When I eat bread, it feels kind of gross. Because dessert is a rare thing now, just a little bit will completely satisfy me and is much more enjoyable. Obviously I have not completely mastered the whole food thing yet, I’m just saying it’s getting easier. Healthier choices are becoming a regular part of my life now instead of ‘this weird new thing’ I’m doing. I couldn’t be happier about it.

Attending daily boot camps is still my favorite aspect of FitMania. The Meridian 9:30 class is simply the best! We have so much fun together and really help push each other through the tough workouts. I look up to the ladies (and one or two gentlemen) I work out with and push myself ever harder because of them. And our trainers! It was such a bummer to lose both Julie and Crystal, but wow did you guys find us some great replacements! Katie and Rachel have been incredible. I don’t think anyone can get me to work as hard as Katie does (except maybe Toby). I just feel so lucky to have stumbled into the FitMania world.





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