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My life has changed in many different ways in the past ninety days. My body has physically changed.   Before the challenge, I was still recovering from having a baby. I had so much unwanted fat that I wanted to lose. During the challenge, I worked so hard to go to class six times per week and eat clean. All the hard work paid off when I saw my physical change. By the end of the challenge, I was able to comfortably fit back into all of my pre-pregnancy clothes. I even fit back into my favorite jeans that I couldn’t even pull up past my thighs before the challenge. I was so proud of myself when I weighed in, measured, and took pictures at the end.

Another change that occurred that goes right along with the physical change is my change in confidence. When I started the challenge I was the biggest I have ever been in my life. As a result, my self-confidence was the lowest it had ever been. My confidence grew every day of the challenge as I woke up early every morning, worked out, got stronger, and felt thinner. The love and support I received from my trainers and other Fitmania members in my class also made my confidence go up.  Coming to the end of the challenge, I am so happy with myself. Even though I still don’t have a perfect body, I am confident about the way I look.

I have also become more alert and awake during the day. I would have thought working out at 5am, on top of taking care of a new baby and working full time, would make me more tired. Surprisingly, I have more energy than ever before.

After the ninety-day challenge, I definitely live my life and think differently. Before, I wasn’t consistent with my workouts and I wouldn’t think about my food choices. Now, my mind set is always on making sure I work out six times in a week and making sure to make smart decisions with my food.

A quote that is said all the time during the workouts is, “you can do more than you think you can.” This is definitely something I have learned this challenge. I was pretty weak at the beginning of the challenge. I am now faster and stronger than I ever have been, or even thought I could be. Hearing this being said at workouts made me push harder. Seeing my results has made me realize that I really can do more than I thought I could.

I would choose my husband to do the Lean for Life Challenge. I work so hard at living a healthy lifestyle. One of the main parts of living a healthy lifestyle is eating healthy. My husband doesn’t eat very healthy and rarely has the time to workout. If he could do the challenge, I know he would feel and look a lot better. I could help him succeed by being there to support, encourage, and be there to create our meal plans together and actually make the food for him. We could have great success together.





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