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My first challenge was just that. A challenge where I could not go 1 week without hurting my back to where I could barely walk. It was hard to even go to work. I have never spent so much time at the chiropractor in my life. But I kept going and tried to listen to all the trainers on how I could lessen pain through maintenance (stretching, rolling, good posture etc). It took a little while but I started make that maintenance a part of every day.

Then that challenge ended. However, I did not! A month went by in between challenge 6 and the start of 7 and off again I went then with rolling, stretching and good posture. I mean religiously rolling, stretching and keeping good posture. I started being able to get serious and up my game with no pain and I was rocking it hard core. I did not realize how out of shape I was. I went from being depressed and out of shape and only caring about going to work and getting the day over with to looking forward to working out and eating food that made me feel better and having tons of energy. My wife has truly fallen back in love with me. I mean she never stopped but I can see the look in her eyes. Also, now she tells me I’m hot 😉

The main reasons for working out was to live a better life not just for me but so I would be a more positive influence on my children. And this was accomplished. I prayed for my relationship with my wife to get better and more passionate as well. It happened. I will never stop working out with the FitManiacs. Because of FitMania, my family relationships are more harmonious. And now the FitManiacs have become family to me. Especially Chad and Susan. I love you guys.

So really how has the challenge changed my life? Well it has changed it in ways I would have never thought. I guess what they say is true: God works in mysterious ways. I went from being on the verge of divorce and depression to being loved and happier than I have ever been. I wake up every morning and know my first thing I need to do is work on myself and that means get to the gym with my friends and new family. Thanks to all my fellow FitManiacs. I thank my wife for getting me started 8 months ago. She told me that we really had nothing in common anymore and she felt like I did not care about her any more and that  hurt! She said she wanted to try this place called FitMania and that the first week was free so I said ok let’s do it. I mean who doesn’t want to save there marriage or do anything to show that person that you do truly care and love them and that life is not just about work. I love her and was willing to do anything for her. Life got so much better and everything smoothed out. That’s when I met Chad Powell. Man that guy is hard core into his work out. But fun and very helpful. And then I met Susan, Toby and Jabari and all the other FitManiacs. They showed me life is about taking care of your body.

I could go on and on about how the challenge has changed my life. It’s almost infinite. I am so very grateful for FitMania and the trainers and the people in training. Thank you all soo very much.

It would have to be my wife. She encouraged me to go do the challenge for the first time after which she said her body hurt to much and she just stopped going. I miss her being there with me or at least doing the at home work out on video benefiting from living healthy and feeling better about herself emotionally and physically. All I know is I can lead by example and hope she comes back. I have learned to not try to make people do anything they don’t feel comfortable with but I would love to see her take the challenge and not give up and do whatever it takes. I know she has it in her she is very smart and very strong. I know she can do it. She dealt with depression after our 5th child was born I thought I had lost my true love. It was pretty bad. Nothing made her happy. She was always upset with me. I wasn’t seeing any light at the end of the tunnel and thought she might hurt herself. But she came out of it and I have my best friend back so if I could challenge anyone it would be my wife Katie Sager. I challenge you! I love you sweet heart with all my heart and soul you truly are my best friend.





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