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Gigi D

“I do not feel like I am sacrificing anything for my exercise or my eating, rather I feel I am living a higher quality of life.”

In the last 90 days I have further developed and refined my daily rituals of exercise, clean eating, and goal accomplishment.  It is never a question of whether or not I will exercise.  I just get up, get ready, and go.  Even though I travel quite a bit it is the same when I am traveling.  I get up and either do the boot camps via periscope or another form of exercise with my husband.  When bootcamp is on my schedule it doesn’t even enter my mind to miss.  I go if I am sore, I go if I have a bad back, and I go if I feel sick.  I just do it!  Missing daily exercise would be like going to work without brushing my teeth or taking a shower.  Yuck!

My thinking has been evolving in regards to exercise and my eating.  I just habitually follow my eating plan and prefer it to off plan eating. The Fitmania lifestyle seems way easier now than it did when I started.  I do not feel like I am sacrificing anything for my exercise or my eating, rather I feel I am living a higher quality of life.  I feel it is choosing the road less traveled and with greater rewards.  I have lost my desire for any type of junk food or desserts – EVER!  It is not at all tempting to me to eat something that will make me feel less than optimal.

I have learned to not feel guilty about the time and money self-care it takes to stay healthy and capable of doing tough workouts.  Even though massage, chiropractic care, healthy food, and exercise cost family dollars the reward to the family of having a fit healthy matriarch is immeasurable.  One benefit for me is that I feel more energy and vibrancy when I’m with my family.  I am able to work harder for my family to accomplish more and I am able to play harder without restriction with my family.  Another benefit is the example it sets for my children and grandchildren of constantly living a healthy lifestyle at all ages.

These benefits are so important to me that there are not words that can adequately describe them.  Living the “Fit Life”  means living a bigger, better, more rewarding life.  The benefits far exceed the amount of time and energy expended.  Thanks Fitmania.





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