“I’m 46 years old and I’m the strongest and most lean I have ever been in my life.”
My life has changed in many areas. I’m 46 years old and I’m the strongest and most lean I have ever been in my life. I’m excited to find I’m getting stronger and looking more strong too. During the last 90 days I challenged myself to do as many double classes, or two classes in a day, as I could physically handle. I did this because I wanted to “raise the bar” and to push for more obvious physical changes. I’m proud to say, during the 90 day challenge I completed 18 doubles. At least two of the double days were on our 10 minute plank days. So, not only have I become stronger physically but I have also strengthened myself mentally too. I know this because I knew it was 10 minute plank day and I still came back for the second class and then repeated it on Saturday too!
In the month of February, I took on the Sugar challenge. I wasn’t sure what it was going to look like for me because I don’t eat much chocolate or Valentine’s Day candy etc. However, I knew it needed to include cutting out refined sugar in the very least. I wasn’t eating a lot of refined sugar but my awareness level increased as a result of the sugar challenge. It was difficult at first but I was able to eliminate my sugar consumption and I felt much, much better as a result.
I also signed up for the Advanced Fitness challenge. I did for the last challenge too and knew I couldn’t pass it up. It’s a really unique and personal challenge that is measured completely on your own progress and improvement. I am happy to say I was able to increase my numbers in ALL
of the Advanced fitness areas including, this non-runner running my mile in 7:41.
In an effort to push myself even further I asked and agreed to become accountability partners with Alex. I’ve you’ve attended a class with him you know he’s usually giving at least 100%. I knew mediocre wasn’t going to work if I was going to try to keep up with him! Getting to know Alex and working out with him and push each other to try harder has turned out to be one of the greatest gifts of this challenge.
Another area of growth came from volunteering to help with the Challenge 8 Sign ups. I was asked to help with the fitness consultations and I got to meet and talk with a lot of people signing up for the challenge. I was able to share what had worked for me in the past and remember sharing how important the component of consistency is to my fitness related goals and accomplishments. I have consistently shown up for classes and tried to improve upon my overall fitness level and it’s really starting to show.
