“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” Jim Rohn This boot camp program is the best in Boise! Here are 14 reasons why. This boot camp is metabolic training and most boot camps are not. It’s a metabolism builder. We do High Intensity Interval Resistance […]

“Nothing great has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances.” – Bruce Barton 1. DO NOT DIET! Finding and maintaining a healthy weight is not about eating less, it’s about eating more—more nutrition-dense food, to crowd out the empty calories and keep you full all […]
“All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” -Helen Keller “Gluten free” labels are popping up every where and you might be asking yourself what it means and if you are missing out on some big new solution to all your dietary problems. The truth is that you might be, […]
Unless you have had your head buried in a Big Gulp you probably already know that there are a litany of reasons why soda is bad for you. It’s nothing but sugar water. It’s devoid of any nutritional value. It leads to obesity and diabetes. Here are things you might not know. Drinking non-diet soda […]
Egkrateia is a Greek word and means “one who holds himself in” or “the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions”. Like any other addiction or habit, if it owns us then we don’t own ourselves. Sugar is both physically and emotionally addictive. Like alcohol some people can have a little here and […]
The best kept secret to losing weight is to eat. For decades we have thought to lose weight you had to eat less. That is a bad idea. If it worked everyone would be thin because everyone has tried cutting calories at least once right? The real secret is not how much you eat but […]
Every human being is the author of his own health or disease. -Buddha Back in the late 80’s when the “fat free” weight loss trend was just starting to get a good hold my sister-in-law said to me, “Fat makes you fat. You can’t get enough fat out of your diet.” It sounded so logical […]
When I was at the height of my sugar addiction I was with my sisters and daughters in Ashland, Oregon for the Shakespeare Festival. We had stopped at the local chocolate store before a play. My sister, Gigi and I each bought the same thing and while we were eating it she said, “It’s too rich!” I thought […]
“All of us are self-made, but only the successful are willing to admit it.” -Earl Nightingale As I counsel with people and their eating habits one of the most surprising things I have learned is that most people are not getting enough protein. Especially people who are very active, gaining muscle and/or are trying to […]

Nothing is to be feared. It is only to be understood. – Marie Curie My grandfather worked at a hydro-electric dam near Tremonton, Utah. People didn’t understand how it worked. They accused the power company of taking the electricity out of the water and damaging the food the farmers were growing. It was hysteria born […]