Break your Ropes
Make it a point to rid your speech and thoughts of all forms of negative self-talk. -Karl Albrecht Full-grown adult elephants are generally tethered by a small rope tied around their back right leg. They could easily break the rope and yet they stay tied to the spot regardless of their desire to […]
9 Ways To Be Happier
St. Augustine said, “Indeed, man wishes to be happy even when he so lives as to make happiness impossible.” Many of our choices make us feel good in the short term but actually damage our happiness in the long run. For example, we might feel like we would be happier if we skipped our workout, […]
Low fat? Low carb? That’s bad. What’s good? Balancing all your macros.
If you see any food plan that is based on low carbohydrates or high carbohydrates, high protein or low protein, high fat or low fat please know it is a very bad plan! There are technically three macronutrients (while the FitMania nutrition protocol adds a fourth) – protein, carbohydrates and fat. FitMania adds Vegetables to […]
5 ways protect your knees!
I have had more than one teenage athlete tell me about their knee surgeries with pride, as if having their knees operated on is proof they are a super athlete. Adults are also having knee surgery at a rate that is alarming, at least to me. We are grateful for the skill of surgeons and […]
Eat food that grows in the ground or has a parent!
My husband owns a constructions supply business. Because they deliver supplies to their customers as well as transport product among their six locations they have a large number of trucks. Some of these trucks use gas for fuel and some use diesel. Once in a while a driver will accidentally put gasoline in a […]
Arthritis and 3 things you should know to stall it
My beautiful massage therapist, Sandra, asked me if I thought I had arthritis in my hips. I told her that I absolutely know I do based on the fact that I am over 60 years old and that I saw it on an x-ray over a decade ago. But those are the only reasons […]
This simple test will tell you something about your life expectancy (VIDEO)
Have you tried the Sitting Rising Test? In 2002 a study was done on the link between being able to sit and rise from the floor and healthy longevity. It is called SRT (sitting-rising test) and it works like this: In bare feet and comfortable clothes cross your ankles and sit on the floor without […]
Dieting Is Dead
Dieting is dead. The issue of calories and weight loss is much more complicated than most people believe. While calories can be a factor, what is much more critical is WHAT you eat and WHEN you eat. Today I want to discuss the WHEN. One of the three principles of eating to be fit and […]
Sadly, we don’t hear this at breast cancer awareness events
About a year ago or so I saw an article in the newspaper about the link between breast cancer and alcohol. The study appeared to be very solid and the results alarming. In the hoopla of pink bows, pink merchandise and fun runs for breast cancer awareness I waited for an outcry, or at […]
10 things successful people do differently
Fact of Life: Some people are successful, happy, well-adjusted human beings… And some are not. That is indisputable, but why? People study this stuff and there seems to be a small set of skills or habits that people who are consistently successful do consistently. In our FitLife 90 Day Challenge program, these habits are […]