Get more out of your cardio workouts and do it in less time! Are you one of those people who faithfully do long, steady cardio workouts? I see people at the gym running, cycling, stepping, etc, while reading a magazine, or plugged in to TV or iPod and usually with a bored, joyless expression. If […]

When you hear the word affirmations what do you think about? Often I imagine someone standing in front of the mirror saying something like, “You are one awesome human being and, by darn it, people like you!” The problem with this approach to affirmations is that it is a short road to complacency and maybe […]

Much of what ails would be better cured by food than any other method. There are many foods that can cure and perhaps eventually we will find that all real foods have some curing properties. Here are two more: Turmeric Potent anti-inflammatory Powerful anti-oxidant Reduces depression Helps prevent the buildup of plaque that can clog […]

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates Much of what ails would be better cured by food than any other method. There are many foods that can cure and perhaps eventually we will find that all real foods have some curing properties. Here are two to start with: Ginger It […]

Okay the scales don’t actually lie. Our scale does exactly what it’s supposed to—it tells us how much we weigh. It measures our body fat but it also measures bone, water, muscle, organs, undigested food and more. When that number goes up or down we think it is a reflection of fat gain or loss […]

Here is some old but good wisdom: Friends don’t let friends skip leg day I am your friend and I am going to give you a bucket load of reasons not to skip leg day: Leg muscles are big muscles which means more lean muscle mass quicker It takes a lot of calories building and […]

“For as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Proverbs When I drive from Boise to Utah, I pass some government sponsored signs warning that DROWSY DRIVERS CAUSE CRASHES. As soon as I see the word drowsy I immediately feel sleepy. The creator of those signs missed a basic eternal principle that Earl […]