“All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt!” Lucy Van Pelt I eat chocolate. I eat a lot of chocolate. In fact, all of the trainers at FitMania eat chocolate. Chocolate is like a mascot around here and I actually encourage our clients to eat chocolate, when they want to […]
“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” Edward Stanley Have you noticed that some of the busiest people still find time for exercise? We have clients at FitMania that work, are working on degrees, have families and still never miss a workout. Do […]
Every major world religion has somewhere in its tenets or teachings this concept: We become what we think about Every modern day expert in motivation and personal development teaches this concept: We become what we think about Both religious and secular leaders struggle finding a way of getting the message across. Darren Hardy took […]
Ironically, I am writing this from my personal computer after having spent some time on google researching the topic of screen time and our brains. I am grateful for technology and devices that make the gathering and distribution of information so effective. Most of us find our computers, phones and other devices a necessity as […]
Pumping iron. Lifting. Weights. Resistance training. Free weights and machines. I am the generation who fell in love with gyms! I loved it and dutifully spent my days at the gym counting sets and reps and adding more and more weight. But after 15 years things began to change. Injuries were stacking up and becoming […]
So what is a BHAG? Well I am going to tell you but first I have to tell you about why it is on my mind… The extent of my daily news intake comes from a quick scan of the local paper while I eat breakfast. Today there were two articles on health and fitness. […]
I once had a yoga teacher that I adored. She often said, “everyday a different body” meaning that our own bodies were a little different everyday. I find this particularly true with balance. We do balancing exercises everyday in our workouts and some days I think, “I’ve got this!” and other days I think […]
Some fitness organizations may look like they are making up their program as they go. Most facilities actually have a protocol and a philosophy. Here are a few of the best and most common fitness protocols: TT – Traditional (Resistance) Training Not to be confused with another TT training called Threshold Training, Traditional Training […]
We had a company contact us that was interested in promoting FitMania and asked for reviews or testimonials. I don’t know of anyone in the valley that does reviews for fitness businesses so I sent them the following comments. These are all e-mails except the last one which was posted on a blog. I have included […]

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were? ~Satchel Paige I will soon be 60 years old. Is that old? I just can’t seem to grasp it. Do I look it? I don’t think so but nobody my age thinks they look their age. Certainly no one wants to look any older than they have […]